Whether your business’ online presence is a blog or an eCommerce store, don’t just think globally…think locally as well.  Sure, you want people from all over the world to buy your products and use your services.  But you also want (and need) local consumers – people in your own back yard – to buy from you online as well.

Due to the fact that your business is local, lots and lots of consumers in your area would actually love to shop online at your website.  They understand that, even though they’re shopping online, they are still shopping locally, and supporting the small businesses in their hometown.  Add the fact that they can shop from the comfort of their homes means that your business’ website can generate money, customers, and clients for you around the clock!

Claim/Verify Your Google My Business Page

Google My Business, GMBGetting your business set up with a Google My Business (GMB) page is the absolute best way to start showing up in local Google search results!  Google is the #1 online search engine, and recent surveys show that over 47% of all Google searches have local intent.  That is truly astonishing, and the number increases each year. 

The ultimate goal for local brick and mortar businesses should be to appear in the coveted Google Maps 3-Pack.  Setting up your GMB page correctly, and having the correct online “citations” for your business, will help you get top billing in the local 3-Pack and search results!

So, when a local consumer uses a commonly used search term to search for the products or services you offer (such as “plumber” or “plumber pittsburgh”), because of Google’s geo-targeting capabilities, your business listing will show up first for consumers/shoppers in your area.

Ask Your Local Customers to Leave A Review For Your Business

Online Reviews, Google ReviewsWhen people visit your place of business, even if they don’t make a purchase, ask them if they would like to leave an online review.  Our Online Review Tool makes the process extremely simple for you and your customer.  If you use it properly, the tool is designed to bring your business a consistent flow of positive 4- and 5-star reviews on the platform of your choice (Google, Yelp, YP, etc.). 

In the process, you will be collecting your customer’s contact information (name, email, cell phone #), so you can add them to your email list and contact them later with special offers or additional products and/or services.

When local consumers leave positive reviews for your business online, those reviews are seen by their family, friends, and anyone else in your local area who looks at your GMB page.  And a recent survey conducted by BrightLocal reveals that 91% of consumers 18-34 years old, and 79% of consumers 35-54 years old, trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations!

Be Active on Social Media

Social MediaWether you use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, or any combination of all of them, being active on social media platforms not only brings attention to your business, but also helps to build your brand.  And building your brand is vital to the success of your business!  Replying honestly (and calmly when needed) to people, joining in conversations, and sharing ideas with people in your area, is a GREAT way to get known locally and regionally.

Embrace Facebook And Advertise To Local Consumers

With Facebook Ads, you can target specific consumer “demographics” in your local area.  There are quite a few different kinds of Facebook ads you can use to promote your business, products, or services to people specifically in your area.  And, you can start your Facebook Ad campaigns for as little as $5 a day!

Become a Reliable & Consistent Resource For Local Media

local mediaYour local media outlets (online and offline newspapers (regional, local, and hyper-local), news channels, etc.) all need reliable and consistent content for their audiences.  Regardless of what your actual expertise may be, you can become a key resource for them.  When they have questions related to your industry, or need quality content to add to their particular media type, they won’t hesitate to come to you for comments, answers, and information in general.  If you prove to be that reliable content source they’ve been looking for, they will come back to you over and over again!  And that will help you to be seen as the local expert in your field.

Make Sure You Get The “Local” Keywords Right

Using the right keywords in your blog posts, product descriptions, and web pages will improve your site’s search results ranking, and will also attract local consumers. 

You want to establish your target audience the same way you normally would, but then add in geographical demographics as well.  Simply put, you need to add keywords to your site’s content that will attract local consumers.

Create an Appropriate Sales Funnel

sales funnelNo matter what niche you’re in, every business needs a clear, well-defined sales funnel.  A sales funnel is a pre-planned series of steps you use to guide (and inform) your potential clients/customers about your products and/or services.  Your sales funnel helps them to decide whether or not they should spend their money with you.

Ray Makara